Right. I don't even know if there's anything I want to say in paragraphs! OK, do we want to talk about how terrible Umbridge is? I mean, she's really dreadful, right? The problem for me is, I don't think she's dreadful in a way that is AT ALL amusing (except when McGonagall basically ignores her in her class. That's pretty freaking sweet), she's more terrible in a way that makes me want to rip her limbs off her body and beat her with them until she's dead.
Sorry. I'm REALLY tired. But anyway, the point is that even though I think that this makes her a kind of masterfully drawn character, it's just another element that makes OotP EXHAUSTING for me as opposed to mostly fun but with some, you know, perilous bits. A couple more things about her though- surely she's really really not allowed to use that terrible SKIN CUTTING quill on the children? I know it's Hogwarts, but even they must have rules about this kind of thing, no? And also, IT IS NOT OK TO ATTACK HEDWIG! I mean, HONESTLY!
Sirius bashing time? I think so. Whilst I've become a lot warmer towards Harry in this section (with one notable exception that I'll point out in the bullet points that are obviously coming) I'm actually really really really annoyed at Sirius. Because, um, you don't say to a teenager who is TRYING TO PROTECT YOU and who keeps nearly getting himself killed that he should get into more trouble! That's just stupid! "your father wouldn't have done that". Well then maybe, just maybe, he's as big an idiot as YOU are, Sirius. GODDAMMIT!
Having said that, I am kiiiind of on Sirius's side when it comes to Dumbledore's Army, because even though I can see why Molly wants her kids to, you know, stay in school, possibly just because they'll be safe there because Dumbledore can protect them (because he's always been SO GOOD at that), I still think it totally makes sense for them to learn how to defend themselves. Also the lessons sound fun and this book needs some of that FOR REALS. I did love that Hermione was suddenly like 'Guys... I think this might be a bad idea...' when Sirius thought it was a good one though. Hermione's smart.
Random thoughts and shit:
- You know when Harry gets Hedwig to deliver the letter and is like 'I know this says Snuffles, but it's actually for Sirius"? Like... Hedwig knows this already, amiright? Since she's been doing it FOR A YEAR. Honestly, Harry...
- Percy's letter makes ME want to vom, personally, but I'm sad that it makes Harry sad. It's a bit of a 'well, he kind of KNOWS me and he thinks I'm crazy, what must everyone else think?' moment, but... Percy's a douchebag. As I'm sure we're all aware by now.
- I feel like Harry has had his most constructive outburst, or at least the one that helps me best understand his mental state, and so I can empathise with him better. This is a really good thing. "You two sit here acting like I'm a clever little boy to be standing here, alive, like Diggory was stupid, like he messed up." Poor Harry, you have so much to deal with!
- Guys... Is Hogwarts in Yorkshire?!?!?! For some reason, I always thought it was in Scotland, but in the Hogs Head, there are all those people with thick Yorkshire accents. Are they just supposed to be kind of dodgy (all dodgy characters have Yorkshire accents) or ARE WE ACTUALLY IN YORKSHIRE? I hope we are, because I bloody love it there.
- "He touched the spot on his face where Hermione had kissed him, looking puzzled, as though he was not quite sure what had just happened."- Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
- I still totally don't care about Quidditch. It's official. But this I loved: "'Yes, yes, we know about the Quidditch,' said Hermione in a tense voice."
- And THIS was really annoying: Ron: "This is the worst I've ever felt in my life." Harry: "Join the club." REALLY GUYS?! I mean, really? Not being allowed to play Quidditch is the worst you've ever felt in your lives? Seeing someone MURDERED wasn't that bad then Harry? Fucking hell.
- This might just be me, but I didn't really care about the giants. Whatevs.
I did a lot of shouting this week, huh?! Partly sleep deprivation, and partly everyone acting like a massive idiot, I guess! It's all ok though- I've read ahead and there seems to be PLENTY of Snape for next week. So at least I'll be happy.